TIBCO Scribe Insight: Changes for Dynamics 365 CRM Run as User and Default Owner For Owned Objects when using Azure AD Authentication

TIBCO Scribe Insight: Changes for Dynamics 365 CRM Run as User and Default Owner For Owned Objects when using Azure AD Authentication


Article ID: KB0073109


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TIBCO Scribe Insight -


With the deprecation of the CRM Regional Discovery Service by Microsoft, CRM connections using the TIBCO Scribe Insight Adapter for Dynamics 365 And CRM needed to be updated to use Azure AD authentication. Azure AD authentication altered the behavior and requirements of the "Run As User" and "Default Owner For Owned Objects" that may be set within the CRM connection. Reference the below documentation which details the "Run As User" and "Default Owner For Owned Objects" settings.

CRM Adapter Additional Adapter Settings

If you have integrations using the INTEGRATION user as the "Run As User" or "Default Owner For Owned Objects" you may receive an error similar to the one below, since the INTEGRATION user in CRM has special privileges.

"Cannot be updated unless running as INTEGRATION user."


Changing the adapter connection to Dynamics 365 CRM to use Azure AD Authentication causes change in behavior with Run as User and Default Owner For Owned Objects.


Non-Interactive users like the "INTEGRATION" user will no longer work as the "Run As User" or "Default Owner For Owned Objects" when using Azure AD authentication within the Adapter for Dynamics 365 And CRM.

We recommend working with your CRM Administrator or Microsoft in order to create an Application User that impersonates the INTEGRATION user's privileges to then be used as the "Run As User" or "Default Owner For Owned Objects."