TIBCO Scribe® Online Migration to TIBCO® Cloud Integration Frequently Asked Questions

TIBCO Scribe® Online Migration to TIBCO® Cloud Integration Frequently Asked Questions


Article ID: KB0077130


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Cloud Integration - Connect ( Scribe ) 2.3.0


As your TIBCO Scribe Online Classic subscriptions expire, the TIBCO Sales organization will be reaching out to renew and move your subscriptions to the Scribe capability within TIBCO Cloud Integration. Review this document for detailed information about the migration process and how it will affect you.  

General Questions

Q:  Why are we renewing you on TIBCO Cloud Integration?

A:  We want to provide you with the rich integration experience offered by TIBCO Cloud Integration.  We’ve also got some exciting plans that center around the Scribe functionality under TIBCO Cloud Integration.  Having all of our users on TIBCO Cloud Integration allows us to focus our attention on the user experience that is core to integration.  


Q:  Is TIBCO Scribe Online going away?

A:  The same Scribe Online functionality you know and use today exists under TIBCO Cloud Integration and is referred to as the Connect capability.  In many ways this is an upgrade to the various features now available and included in your subscription, for example, you get the TIBCO Cloud Integration - Develop capability, which is based on Project Flogo, as well as its standard Connectors. Scribe Replication Services are included.  


Q:  Can I have a trial subscription for other TIBCO Cloud™ products?

A:  YES!  You can start a trial for many of the other TIBCO Cloud  features and products.  


Q:  Why is this an upgrade?

A:  You get additional features, for example Replication Services is now included with all subscriptions.  You also get access to the TIBCO Cloud Integration - Develop capability, based on the open source Project Flogo, which builds event-driven applications.  We suggest that you take a look at the trial toolkit for some examples of what you can do. https://community.tibco.com/tibco-cloud-integration-trial-toolkit


Migration Questions

Q:  How will the migration work? Will I lose my work, and will there be downtime?

A:  The migration process is very simple and will not cause any downtime or loss of data.  We are simply pointing TIBCO Cloud Integration at your existing TIBCO Scribe Online Organization.  You will have a new way to log in and access the TIBCO Scribe Online that you already know. Be sure NOT to use the TIBCO Scribe Online Organization under TIBCO Cloud Integration until the migration is complete.


Q:  Are Parent Organizations different in TIBCO Cloud Integration?

A:  Yes, in TIBCO Cloud Integration within TIBCO Cloud, a Parent Organization can have Solutions, Agents, Connections, and other Apps under each of the different capabilities.  This allows you to use the Parent Organization for production or templates, or anything else you want. Because you are being migrated from TIBCO Scribe Online to TIBCO Cloud Integration, the Parent will not have anything in it initially, since that was not possible under TIBCO Scribe Online.


Scribe Online Functionality

Q:  How do I manage user email notifications?

A:  These settings are under the More menu in Connect.  


Q:  How do I invite other team members?

A:  Under TIBCO Cloud, you can access Team Members which allows you to manage and invite other people to your Organization.  From the main TIBCO Cloud screen, you access Team Members. In the next screen on the right you select the capability to which you want to grant access, and then you use the Invite option on the right side.  This will generate an email to the user with instructions on how to setup an account. This is very similar to how TIBCO Scribe worked.  


Q:  Where would I find the Parent Dashboard?

A:  We are working on a new way of monitoring across Organizations.  In the meantime, if you are interested in this type of functionality you may want to take a look at the Managed Console which uses the API to provide more detail.  You can find the details here -> https://dev.scribesoft.com/en/ref_app/ref_app_301_intro.htm


Q:  What is different between TIBCO Scribe Online and TIBCO Cloud Integration.  

A:  The majority of the functionality is identical to what you have today.  Areas that have changed include how users are added, a slight change in the navigation between Organizations, enhancements to Parent organizations, the login process, and the process to set/reset an API user.  You can find out more details here -> https://help.scribesoft.com/scribe/en/index.htm#home/classic_TIBCO Cloud Integration.htm 


Q:  Will my API endpoints change for my Request/Reply or Message Maps?

A:  No, there are no changes to endpoints. They will operate as they always have through the migration process and will remain unchanged.


Q:  If I use the API to manage Scribe Online, will there be any impact to the API?

A:  No, the same user name and password that you used with TIBCO Scribe Online will work for API access under TIBCO Cloud Integration.  However, the new user name / password setup for TIBCO Cloud Integration cannot be used for API access.  If you need to reset your API password, use the Change Password link under the More -> Security Settings option.  You can find details in our help -> https://help.scribesoft.com/scribe/en/index.htm#home/classic_TIBCO Cloud Integration.htm 


Q:  I use the Scribe Online Platform Connector  in some of my Maps, will there be an impact on that Connector?

A:  No, the migration will not have an impact on the Connector and it will continue to work.  If you reset your API password under More -> Security settings you will need to update the connection settings for that Connector with the new password.


Q: Will my Organization ID (OrgID) change?

A:  No, this remains the same.


Q:  How can I edit my Org Details or find my Organization ID?

A:  You can edit Organization details within TIBCO Cloud.  From the main TIBCO Cloud screen, navigate to Settings, then select Organization on the left.  From there you can edit details including the name of your organization.  


You can find the OrgID in the URL shown when you edit a Solution.  For example - 



Q:  Can I still log in and access TIBCO Scribe Online from https://app.scribesoft.com

A:  No, once your old Scribe Organization is migrated, it is tied to TIBCO Cloud, which manages authentication and security.  This provides additional safeguards and features including multi-factor authentication and the ability to tie into corporate systems for single sign-on options.


Q:  Will there be any impact on my On-Premise Agents?

A:  No, there is no impact to On-Premise Agents.  They will continue to work both during and after the change.  


TIBCO Cloud Integration Questions

Q:  Is there an easy way to just get to TIBCO Cloud Integration without having to log in in through TIBCO Cloud?

A:  Yes, you can bypass the main TIBCO Cloud screen by using one of the following URLs:

US:  https://account.cloud.tibco.com/manage/home/integration

EU:  https://eu.account.cloud.tibco.com/manage/home/integration


Q:  What are the different capabilities of TIBCO Cloud Integration?  

A:  TIBCO Cloud Integration is comprised of several capabilities including Connect (powered by TIBCO Scribe), Integrate (powered by TIBCO BusinessWorks), and Develop (powered by the open source Project Flogo).


Q:  What is TIBCO Cloud™ – Command Line Interface?

A:  This is a command line interface that allows you to interact with TIBCO Cloud Integration, except for the Connect capability.  In the future, we will be looking into allowing it to be used with the Connect capability. 


Q:  What is the TIBCO Cloud™ - Proxy Agent?

A:  TIBCO Cloud enables applications running in the cloud to access any TCP-based on-premises resources via the TIBCO Cloud - Proxy Agent. The TIBCO Cloud - Proxy Agent is a proprietary, secure point-to-point tunneling connection between an on-premises computer and an application container.  This does not enable communication between Cloud Agents to on-premises systems at this time.  


Q:  What is TIBCO BusinessWorks™ software?

TIBCO BusinessWorks simplifies the development and deployment of modern cloud-native integration applications. Applications are built using TIBCO Business Studio™ for BusinessWorks™, a graphical Eclipse IDE interface used to define business processes and generate artifacts in the form of archive files. The artifacts can then be deployed and run in TIBCO Cloud and in all of the major Cloud Service Provider Platforms including AWS, Azure, GCP, IBM Bluemix, Pivotal, and RedHat Openshift without reworking your application.


You can learn more under our Trial Toolkit  https://community.tibco.com/wiki/tibco-cloud-integration-getting-started-businessworks-applications


Q:  What is the Develop capability of TIBCO Cloud Integration?

A:  The TIBCO Cloud Integration - Develop capability  is a wizard driven web-based tool that allows you to create integration apps without having to leave your browser. It is powered by the open source Project Flogo™, a lightweight integration engine. You use Project Flogo™ to interconnect APIs, systems, and data. Regardless of your subscription tier, you have access to the TIBCO Cloud Integration - Develop capability  You can learn more under our Trial Toolkit https://community.tibco.com/wiki/tibco-cloudtm-integration-getting-started-flogo


Q: What is a Child Organization?

A:  An Organization represents the company or other site using TIBCO Cloud.  A Child Organization is under a parent and can provide a logical separation for departments, processes, or customers.  For example, you may want to use a Child Organization for Development, QA, and Production - or you could use it for different departments, for example, Accounting, Marketing, Customer Support or you could use it for managing your customers.  This functionality is available based on your subscription.   


Q:  I’ve still got questions, where can I get additional help?

A:  TIBCO Support is happy to review this with you.  Please contact us at https://support.tibco.com


Everything you need to know about moving from Scribe Online Classic to TIBCO Cloud Integration.