TIBCO Silver Fabric 5.8.0 HF-2 has been released
Article ID: KB0102633
Updated On:
TIBCO Silver Fabric 5.8.0 HF-2 has been released
Affected Components for Silver Fabric 5.8.0 HF-2
The following components are updated by this hotfix:
Closed Issues in Silver Fabric 5.8.0 HF-2 (This Release)
SF-10000 (customer reported as SR 01244921)
Fixes an issue where EMS_URL was exported incorrectly with TIBCO EMS Server Container version
SF-10003 (customer reported as SR 00796543 and 01246778)
Prints hotfix version details in the diagnostics messages.
SF-10014 (customer reported as SR 01259310)
Fixes an issue where existing LDAP users associated with groups were not able to log in to the Silver Fabric Broker.
SF-9757 (customer reported as SR 00875864)
The advanced search dialog on the registry pages (Components, Enablers, Schedules, and so on) will not longer be reset after editing an item.
SF-9866 (customer reported as SR 00739055)
Fixes an issue where Timer gets cancelled while scheduling tasks.
SF-9873 (customer reported as SR 00739954)
Synchronized the file operation while unpublishing a Component to avoid IOException.
SF-9908 (customer reported as SR 00776781 and 00733225)
Fixes an issue of caching authentication while using LDAP.
SF-9910 (customer reported as SR 01240434 and 00713386)
Fixes an issue where one corrupted Grid Library was causing all other Component modifications to fail.
SF-9952 (customer reported as SR 01243796)
Fixes the file system update issue with Grid Library removal.
SF-9966 (customer reported as SR 01315701, 01251981 and 01440650)
Fixed an issue where Engine Instance Logs showed the incorrect Broker version in SF 5.8.0 HF-01.
SF-9967 (customer reported as SR 01439620)
The Failover Broker now synchronizes the Internal database after upgrade.
Note : When you apply the hotfix, please check folder ${SF_HOME}/webapps/livecluster/WEB-INF/lib for the presence of multiple versions of fabric-commons* jar. It can be done by executing following command : ls fabric-commons*
If it returns multiple JAR files, keep the latest version JAR and move the other JARs out of this folder.
SF-9983 (customer reported as SR 01437588)
Passwords for AD and DB are now stored in encrypted format instead of clear text.
Note : Once Silver Fabric 5.8.0 HF-2 is applied, broker needs to be reinstalled from SF UI in order to encrypt mentioned passwords.
SF-9990 (customer reported as SR 01258540)
Removed global write permissions for component files present under the /cache/expansions directory on the Engine.
SF-9999 (customer reported as SR 00794646)
Prints the Component priority in the Broker logs.
SF-9942 (customer reported as SR 01240754)
Fixes the ClassCastException thrown when an Encrypted Runtime Context Variable is imported by a Component and JRE 8 is used with the Silver Fabric Broker.
Note: This requires an Engine upgrade to fix this issue after applying the hotfix.
SF-9869 (customer reported as SR 00722204)
Fixes an issue with delayed gridlib removal. Added "Monitor GridLib Changes" property under "Resource Deployment" category for "Broker Settings" property group to enable/disable the handling of manual changes done to the grid libs.
SF-9903 (customer reported as SR 00722204)
Fixes a locking issue encountered during Component creation.
SF-10007 (customer reported as SR 01250099)
VirtualRouter now sets the Hostname of the machine as the Host header instead of the IP.
TIBCO Silver Fabric 5.8.0 HF-2 has been released
The hotfix can be downloaded from the TIBCO Support Customer Portal Web UI, using your username and password for the TIBCO Support Web.
Once logged in, the hotfix can be found in the Downloads>Hotfixes Menu under:
Alternatively you can use the direct link below to access the Hotfix,
Additional Information
Refer TIB_silver_fabric_5.8.0_HF-2_readme.txt attached to this article for full details on the installation instructions and fixes included in the previous HFs.
TIBCO Silver Fabric 5.8.0 HF-2 has been released