TIBCO Silver Fabric 5.8.0 HF-4 has been released ================================================================================ Introduction Hotfixes are cumulative. ================================================================================ Affected Components for Silver Fabric 5.8.0 HF-4
The following components are updated by this hotfix: Broker Engine ================================================================================ Closed Issues in Silver Fabric 5.8.0 HF-4 (This Release)
Broker SF-10134 A DSPasswordEncryption property has been added to the installation.properties file to control encryption of database and active directory passwords in install properties files. It is false by default. See the upgrade chapter of the Silver Fabric Installation Guide for more details.
SF-10261 (customer reported as SR 00782313 and 00714002) Fixes an issue where "Create Ant Package" does not export MiddleWareVersions and PluginMiddleWareVersions.
SF-10108 (customer reported as SR 01467736) Logging statements regarding the effective policy have been improved.
SF-9988 (customer reported as SR 01258338) A null pointer exception while processing DependencyVariableRequestMessage is now properly handled.
SF-10115 (customer reported as SR 01518249 and 01471676) Fixes a NullPointerException during the installation of a Failover Broker.
SF-10185 Fixes an issue with encryption of DB passwords that prevents a Failover Broker to function properly when a Primary Broker fails.
Engine SF-10177 (customer reported as SR 01450152) Fixes an issue with Engine Daemon restarting on its own.
SF-10260 (customer reported as SR 519493 and 00798448) Fixes an issue where the Engine may fail to detect its MAC address on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.
SF-10218 (customer reported as SR 00794088) The log level of IllegalArgumentExceptions occurring from a LoggedInEvent was changed from SEVERE to FINE.
Note : Once Silver Fabric 5.8.0 HF-4 is applied, broker needs to be reinstalled from SF UI in order to encrypt/decrypt passwords. By default passwords are not encrypted.
TIBCO Silver Fabric 5.8.0 HF-4 has been released
The hotfix can be downloaded from the TIBCO Support Customer Portal Web UI, using your username and password for the TIBCO Support Web. Once logged in, the hotfix can be found in the Downloads>Hotfixes Menu under: AvailableDownloads/Silver/Fabric/5.8.0/
Alternatively you can use the direct link below to access the Hotfix, https://support.tibco.com/s/hotfixes?id=a011a000009RyBKAA0
Additional Information
Refer TIB_silver_fabric_5.8.0_HF-4_readme.txt attached to this article for full details on the installation instructions and fixes included in the previous HFs.
TIBCO Silver Fabric 5.8.0 HF-4 has been released