TIBCO Silver Fabric 5.8.1 HF-2 has been released ================================================================================ Introduction
Hotfixes are cumulative.
================================================================================ Affected Components for Silver Fabric 5.8.1 HF-2
The following components are updated by this hotfix: Broker CLI VirtualRouter
================================================================================ Closed Issues in Silver Fabric 5.8.1 HF-2 (This Release)
Broker SF-10328 Fixes an issue of ClassCastException thrown while calling GET users/sessions rest service.
CLI SF-10322 (customer reported as SR 01535301) Fixes an issue with uploading Grid Libraries and Component archives using the CLI.
Note: Java8 and above is required to run CLI commands.
VirtualRouter SF-10318 (customer reported as SR 01535301) After applying Silver Fabric 5.8.1 HF1, the internal VirtualRouter was not allowed to log in, with the error FabricClientVersion= for admin does not match expected: FabricClientVersion= for admin does not match expected:
TIBCO Silver Fabric 5.8.1 HF-2 has been released
The hotfix can be downloaded from the TIBCO Support Customer Portal Web UI, using your username and password for the TIBCO Support Web. Once logged in, the hotfix can be found in the Downloads>Hotfixes Menu under: AvailableDownloads/Silver/Fabric/5.8.1/
Alternatively you can use the direct link below to access the Hotfix, https://support.tibco.com/s/hotfixes?id=a011a000009RyBKAA0
Additional Information
Refer TIB_silver_fabric_5.8.1_HF-2_readme.txt attached to this article for full details on the installation instructions and fixes included in the previous HFs.
TIBCO Silver Fabric 5.8.1 HF-2 has been released