TIBCO Silver Fabric Enabler for TIBCO Administrator Enterprise Edition
2.9.0 HF009
Affected Files for 2.9.0 HF009
The following files need to be installed by this hotfix:
- SilverFabric_tibcoadmin_container_2.9.0_HF009_gridlib.zip
- SilverFabric_tibcoadmin_componentType_2.9.0_HF009.zip
Note: This hotfix is not platform specific.
Closed Issues in 2.9.0 HF009 (This Release)
SFTA-113 - (Customer Reported as SR 01787520)
Added ojdbc8.jar support for Oracle 11g DB connectivity
Note: The variable OPTIONAL_SYSTEM_PROPERTIES was added and includes the default value oracle.jdbc.autoCommitSpecCompliant=false.More properties
can be added by using a comma separated values.
The hotfix can be downloaded from the TIBCO Support Customer Portal Web UI, using your username and password for the TIBCO Support Web. Once logged in, the hotfix can be found in the Downloads>Hotfixes Menu under: AvailableDownloads/Silver/Fabric/Enablers/SFTA/2.9.0/
Alternatively you can use the direct link below to access the Hotfix, https://support.tibco.com/s/hotfixes?id=a011a000009RyCYAA0
Additional Information
Refer TIB_sfta_2.9.0_HF009_readme.txt attached to this article for full details on the installation instructions and fixes included in the previous HFs.