Spotfire Server Service fails to start with ERROR 1067: The process terminated unexpectedly.

Spotfire Server Service fails to start with ERROR 1067: The process terminated unexpectedly.


Article ID: KB0070245


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Spotfire Server All


TIBCO Spotfire Server Service in Windows Services Console (services.msc) fails to start with below error :
User-added image

You may also see below error in TIBCO Spotfire server logs(server.log file):
DEBUG 2020-02-01T02:13:18,986-0500 [localhost-startStop-2] util.sql.ConnectionUtil: Error closing database connection.
java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: No more data to read from socket


Spotfire Server Service fails to start with ERROR 1067: The process terminated unexpectedly.




Generally, when Spotfire server service starts, it scans the Information Services data source related driver's (jar files) placed in below folders:

Scenario 1) Spotfire Server version 12.1 and higher
Driver location is <installation dir>/tomcat/custom-ext-informationservices

Scenario 2) Spotfire server version 10.4 to 12.0:  
Driver location is <installation dir>/tomcat/custom-ext

Scenario 3) Spotfire server version 10.3 and lower: 
Driver location is <installation dir>/tomcat/lib

If there are data source related drivers in the locations mentioned above, but their associated/respective data source template are not enabled or the data source itself is invalid then Spotfire server service may fail to start. Make sure to correct that before attempting to start the Spotfire Server. 

For more information on driver installation, please refer to Installing database drivers for Information Designer in the Spotfire Server manual: (

Please refer to the Spotfire Server manual for your specific version for information on what database drivers it ships with - see the topic Database drivers in the manual: . For additional database drivers, as a general rule, refer to the database vendor.  

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