TIBCO Spotfire Server fails to start due to Active Space certificate expiry

TIBCO Spotfire Server fails to start due to Active Space certificate expiry


Article ID: KB0075869


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Server 7.11


TIBCO Spotfire Server fails to start and returns below error in "server.log"
"java.lang.RuntimeException: com.tibco.as.space.ASException: SYS_ERROR (security_config_error - Domain credential invalid: Id time validity error [/CN=AS-DOMAIN-XXXX] [valid after: MONTH datetime"

For secured ActiveSpaces resources, when ActiveSpaces is deployed and configured a token file is also copied to the <Spotfire server\install>nm\trust folder.
This token has a validity period and the above error is caused when the security token expires.


TIBCO Spotfire Server fails to start and error "java.lang.RuntimeException: com.tibco.as.space.ASException: SYS_ERROR (security_config_error - Domain credential invalid: Id time validity error [/CN=AS-DOMAIN-XXXX] [valid after: MONTH datetime)


Run the "create security_token" command to create a token file.

1)Syntax to create security token command:
    a)Open a command window and then open the ActiveSpaces command-line interface (CLI) by entering the following commands:  
       cd ActiveSpaces installation dir/as/2.2/bin
    b)Run as-admin 
    c)Run create security_token domain_name <string> policy_file <string> [create_identity [common_name <string>] [encrypt <boolean>][validity_days <integer>]]token_file <string>

as-admin> create security_token domain_name "AS-DOMAIN" policy_file "C:/tibco/tss/version/nm/trust/as-policy.txt" create_identity common_name 'CN=AS-DOMAIN-B1DD26D6' encrypt true  validity_days 90 token_file "C:/tibco/tss/7.11.0/nm/trust/mytoken.txt"

2)Copy the token file to all the servers in the cluster -  folder "<Spotfire server install>\7.x.x\nm\trust\"
3)Restart the Spotfire Server service

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