TIBCO Spotfire Web Player instance goes offline with error message "The configured scheduled updates user is not a member of the group 'Scheduled Updates Users'".

TIBCO Spotfire Web Player instance goes offline with error message "The configured scheduled updates user is not a member of the group 'Scheduled Updates Users'".


Article ID: KB0076802


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Web Player 7.5 and higher


TIBCO Spotfire Web Player instance may fail to start with the following error message in Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Host.xxx.log file:

ERROR;2019-10-03T09:13:43,206-05:00;2019-10-03 14:13:43,206;f0163449-9dd1-4cc7-944d-afecbf05a107;(null);WorkerStartup 1;;;Spotfire.Dxp.Web.SiteManager;"Failed to initialize the Scheduled Updates"
System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException: The configured scheduled updates user is not a member of the group 'Scheduled Updates Users'.
at Spotfire.Dxp.Web.Library.ScheduledUpdates.Initialize(SiteManager siteManager)
at Spotfire.Dxp.Web.SiteManager.ConfigureImpl(PerformanceSectionGroup settings, String webRootPath, String webResourcesPath, Configurator configurator, IEnumerable`1 extraModulePaths)
ERROR;2019-10-03T09:13:43,209-05:00;2019-10-03 14:13:43,209;f0163449-9dd1-4cc7-944d-afecbf05a107;(null);3;;;Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Host.WorkerHost;"Failed to start worker.
System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException: The configured scheduled updates user is not a member of the group 'Scheduled Updates Users'.
at Spotfire.Dxp.Web.Library.ScheduledUpdates.Initialize(SiteManager siteManager)
at Spotfire.Dxp.Web.SiteManager.ConfigureImpl(PerformanceSectionGroup settings, String webRootPath, String webResourcesPath, Configurator configurator, IEnumerable`1 extraModulePaths)
at Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Host.WorkerHost.SetupDxpApplication(String baseUrl, String serviceInstanceId, X509Certificate2 clientCertificate, Uri tssUrl, String rootDirectory, IEnumerable`1 extraModulePath, ServerUrl[] serverUrls)
at Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Host.WorkerHost.Run(String[] parameters)"
ERROR;2019-10-03T09:13:43,209-05:00;2019-10-03 14:13:43,209;f0163449-9dd1-4cc7-944d-afecbf05a107;(null);4;;;Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Host.WorkerHost;"Application failed to start, see application log for more information."


This article will help you resolve if a TIBCO Spotfire Web Player instance throws an error message "The configured scheduled updates user is not a member of the group 'Scheduled Updates Users'".


The above described error message is typically seen if the Scheduled Updates account, the default scheduledupdates@Spotfiresystem or the custom account used if used, is not part of Scheduled Update Users group. So to resolve, make sure to add the scheduledupdates@Spotfiresystem account, or the custom user account if used, into the Scheduled Updates Users group. The session for the Scheduled Update User is only created when the Web Player starts up (and is then kept alive as long as the Web Player is running), so you have to restart the Web Player Instance to make a new attempt with new settings in place.

Also, make sure that this user have the needed library access to open the files and all other dependencies.
  • Grant Browse+ Access permissions on folder(s) where analysis file(s) are saved that needs to add in scheduled update
  • Grant permission to access folder(s) that saved information link(s) for these analysis file(s).
  • Grant permission to access folder(s) that saved Data source(s) for these analysis file(s).

Additional Information

Doc: Creating scheduled updates by using Spotfire Server Doc: System groups