TIBCO Substation ES 2.12.1 HotFix #5 is now available
Article ID: KB0076162
Updated On:
TIBCO Substation ES
Hotfixes are cumulative. This is the fifth hotfix for Substation ES 2.12.1.
You can download Hotfix #5 from the TIBCO Support Customer Portal Web UI (https://support.tibco.com).
Log in using your username and password for the TIBCO Support Web page.
Select Download
Select Hotfixes
Select AvailableDownloads
Select Mainframe
Select Substation
Select 2.12.1
Select hotfix-5
You should then be able to see and download the files.
Please note: Non-DFSMSdss installation packages are available by request only.
Listed below is a summary of updates included. Please refer to the associated readme document for any additional information.
Defect corrections:
SSES-1942 - Critical
Fixed the Substation ES is hanging all UoW on the EMS ESB output queue.
This could have been caused by an async send on the EMS side.
SSES-1906 - Critical
Fixed the RV ESB create Listeners before the ESB transport is ready.
SSES-1794 - High
Fixed the internal buffer sizes to handle very large results of the trigger
service HEARTBEAT and the administration recipe service.
SSES-1769 - Critical
At shutdown Substation ES abends due to a HEARTBEAT message trying to send to
a down interface. This has been fixed by stops the HEARTBEAT service first
before other activities.
TIBCO Substation ES 2.12.1 HotFix #5 is now available.