TIBCO iProcess Engine utility commands report error, swadm: Process Startup failed. Error -1001: ORACLE_HOME/ORACLE_SID not set

TIBCO iProcess Engine utility commands report error, swadm: Process Startup failed. Error -1001: ORACLE_HOME/ORACLE_SID not set


Article ID: KB0079967


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Products Versions
TIBCO iProcess Engine (Oracle) All supported versions


Running the iProcess Engine utility commands such as swadm and plist results in the error swadm: Process Startup failed. Error -1001: ORACLE_HOME/ORACLE_SID not set

The Oracle ORACLE_HOME/ORACLE_SID environment variables do appear to be set correctly.

Generating a debug log by performing the steps:

a) Set the environment variable DEBUG,
export DEBUG

b) Run the command,
swadm show_processes

c) Unset debug,
unset DEBUG

produces a file $SDWIR/logs/swadm01.log

Reviewing the file an error is reported:

180820082728.004817:v001: fil_uv_initialise() - failed to load shared library (/opt/tibco/ipe/bpm/uvapi/bin/uvapi.so) msg = /opt/tibco/ipe/bpm/uvapi/bin/uvapi.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

The cause of the error is a wrong User Validation API (uvapi.so) is being used, for example it is not 32 Bit.


Running the iProcess Engine utility commands such as swadm and plist results in the error swadm: Process Startup failed. Error -1001: ORACLE_HOME/ORACLE_SID not set


Unix / Linux


Replace the current uvapi.so with a correct copy.