Note: Use TIBCO Universal Installer 3.7.3 or higher to install this TRA hotfix. The Universal Installer can be downloaded from
The customer will be able to download the Hotfix from the TIBCO Support Customer Portal Web UI using their username and password for the TIBCO Support Web page. Once logged on they can find the Hotfix under the Download Menu :
The customer will be able to download the Hotfix by using the below link to TRA_Designer/5.12.4/hotfix-02 contact TIBCO Support if you have any problems finding or downloading this hotfix.
Listed below is a summary of updates included. Refer to the associated readme document for any additional information.
Closed Issues in 5.12.4_HF-002 (This Release)
An exception has been observed while deleting the domain using the domainUtilityCMD DeleteDomain task.
<<TIBCO Platform Support>> A new MicroAgent method for TIBCORuntimeAgent has been added to display/list down the Deployability, Deployment-status, History-number for all the deployed applications of BW5 & Adapters.
<<TIBCO Platform Support>> A new MicroAgent method for TIBCORuntimeAgent has been added to display the package creation date, package owner, package version, description details for all the deployed applications of BW5 & Adapters.
<<TIBCO Platform Support>> A new MicroAgent method for TIBCORuntimeAgent has been added to display/list down all the available process archives/adapter archives in the given deployment archive.
<<TIBCO Platform Support>> A new MicroAgent method for TIBCORuntimeAgent has been added to display/list down the available global variable for deployed BW5/Adapter applications.
<<TIBCO Platform Support>> A new MicroAgent method for TIBCORuntimeAgent has been added to display/list down the available AdapterSDK - Engine level variable for BW5/Adapter applications.
An exception has been observed while adding the machine to the domain using the domainUtilityCMD AddMachine task.
<<TIBCO Platform Support>> A new MicroAgent method for TIBCORuntimeAgent has been added to display/list down the available runtime variable for the Adapter archive / BW5 process Archive for deployed applications of BW5 & Adapters.
<<TIBCO Platform Support>> An application deployed under the folder structure will correctly display its application-name and path
Tomcat9 has been upgraded to patch 9.0.87
TIBCOJRE has been upgraded to patch 11.0.22