The code for custom Plug-in cannot be generated when creating a new custom Plug-in activity or importing an existing Plug-in property file into the BusinessStudio on MacOS

The code for custom Plug-in cannot be generated when creating a new custom Plug-in activity or importing an existing Plug-in property file into the BusinessStudio on MacOS


Article ID: KB0079890


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in Development Kit 6.x


When creating a new custom Plug-in activity or importing an existing Plug-in property file into the BusinessStudio on MacOS, the code cannot be generated with error message
"The code can not be generated. Check your input file for errors. For more details, see the Eclipse log file.
org.xml.sax.SAXParseExceptionpublicId: file:/Users/zhepzhao/Documents/bw634workspace_new/james/palette/model/plugins/; systemId: file:/Users/zhepzhao/Documents/bw634workspace_new/james/palette/model/plugins/; lineNumber: 2; columnNumber: 1; Premature end of file."


The code for custom Plug-in cannot be generated when creating a new custom Plug-in activity or importing an existing Plug-in property file into the BusinessStudio on MacOS


All Supported Apple Mac OS X versions


To resolve this problem, perform the following steps:
1. From the BusinessStudio menu, click BusinessWorks -> Preferences.
2. In the Preferences window, select Java -> Compiler in the left pane.
3. Click Apply, then click Yes in the Compiler Settings Changed window. Click OK.

Above steps will set the Compiler compliance level from its default 1.4 to the required 1.8.

Additional Information

PDK, Custom Plug-in, MacOS, Code generation