The modelops-server pod is started but users cannot connect to the server

The modelops-server pod is started but users cannot connect to the server


Article ID: KB0071919


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO ModelOps 1.2


After installing ModelOps on EKS, users are not able to reach the ModelOps server URL in their browsers. The modelops-server pod reports that it has started when the logs are inspected.. 
kubectl logs modelops-server-123abcxyz

2022-09-20 14:18:48.144 UTC [main] INFO  com.tibco.ep.ams.ModelOpsServer: TIBCO ModelOps Server 1.2.0 
2022-07-01 11:05:56 UTC started in 7.209 seconds


This article provides guidance on how to troubleshoot the scenario where the modelops-server pod starts successfully, but the ModelOps server cannot be reached in a web browser.


Inspect the external-dns pod's logs to see what errors are reported:
kubectl logs external-dns-123abcxyz

time="2022-09-20T18:06:29Z" level=error msg="records retrieval failed: failed to list hosted zones: 
WebIdentityErr: failed to retrieve credentials\ncaused by: InvalidIdentityToken: 
No OpenIDConnect provider found in your account for\n\tstatus 
code: 400, request id: *****-****-****-****-****"

In this case, the error is due to an invalid OIDC provider ID. This means you should inspect the EKS cluster to confirm that an OIDC provider has been created and associated with your cluster.


First, confirm your cluster's OIDC provider URL:
aws eks describe-cluster --name ekscluster --query "cluster.identity.oidc.issuer" --output text

Here, we can see that an OIDC provider was found. Now attempt to list the IAM OIDC providers for your account:
aws iam list-open-id-connect-providers | grep 123456789ABCDEFGHIJK

In this case, the second command shown above returns nothing. This means that you must create the IAM OIDC provider. Follow Amazon's guidance on that here: