The "swadm tidy_instances" command does not recognize 0 for the proc_ID identifier

The "swadm tidy_instances" command does not recognize 0 for the proc_ID identifier


Article ID: KB0084031


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO iProcess Engine (Oracle) 11.6.0


The "Tidy Instances of Procedures" section of the TIBCO iProcess Engine Administrator’s Guide document states 0 (zero) can used as the procedure identifier:

swadm tidy_instances machine_ID proc_ID
• machine_ID is the unique identifier for the server. If you specify a value of 0, the command will apply to all servers in iProcess Engine.
• proc_ID is the unique identifier for the procedure. If you specify a value of 0, the command will apply to all procedures in iProcess Engine.

Using zero as the procedure identifier results in the command failing:

swadm tidy_instances 1 0
Usage: TIDY_INSTANCES { <node_id>|? }  { <proc_id>|? }
        Deletes old instances of a proc according to value
        of attribute PROC_VER_NUM_INSTANCES.
        node_id is typically value 1.
        proc_id is a numeric value >0.


The "swadm tidy_instances" command does not recognize 0 for the proc_ID identifier.


All supported platforms and databases.


The swadm utility is working as expected but the documentation is incorrect. Documentation defect IPE-3952 has been opened to correct the documentation in a future release.

Additional Information

TIBCO iProcess Engine Administrator’s Guide