Title: how to complete/delete a process in the InConcert PC GUI

Title: how to complete/delete a process in the InConcert PC GUI


Article ID: KB0084914


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO InConcert -
Not Applicable -


First force a process to completion:
1. Select the process in your Current Processes folder.
2. From the Process menu, select Complete.
When the process has been successfully completed,
a dialog box is displayed:
&ltProcess is successfully completed>&ltOK>
3. Click OK.  This dismisses the dialog box and places
the process in your Completed Proccess folder.
To delete complete processes:
1. Open your Completed Processes folder.
2. Select the completed process to be deleted.
3. From the Process menu, select Delete.
ALternatively, press the DELETE key.
This displays a Delete Process dialog box.
&ltName (name)>&ltOK>&ltCancel>&ltHelp>
4. Click OK.  The process is deleted from your
Completed Process folder and any personal folder
in which it is also stored, and the dialog box
is dismissed.
To cancel delting a process, click Cancel;
the dialog box is dismissed.

It is only at this time that the completed process is removed from the database.


Title: how to complete/delete a process in the InConcert PC GUI


Product: TIBCO InConcert Version: All OS: Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0 --------------------