Error message of "Can't delete a pool because it is in use" from the InConcert batch registry.

Error message of "Can't delete a pool because it is in use" from the InConcert batch registry.


Article ID: KB0084916


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO InConcert -
Not Applicable -


Description: Even if you have deleted all of your active jobs referencing the pool, the pool may still
be used in the User's Working Task of the Permanent Job. If this is the case, the
following steps will remove the pool from this job and allow its deletion:

In the PC GUI do the following.

Log into the the PC client as icdba.  Open up the permanent job and select 'edit the process'.  Select the users working task for the pool you want to delete.  Select Process-&gtValidate on the menu, and press the 'roles and pools' button on the resulting dialog box.  The bottom half will be the 'Pool assignments' section.  Select the Role/Pool assignment you want to remove (usually it will in the form 'username Role username').  In the 'Assign Pool' drop downlist select 'none'.  Click OK.  At this point you should be able to delete the pool.

NOTE: In version 6.1 when a user is deleted the working task is also removed so this problem should now seldom be seen.

For InConcert versions previous to 4.6 you can do the same thing using IcWorkspace as well as in the PC GUI.

Run IcWorkspace as user icdba. Find the active job "Permanent Job". Select
Permanent Job and choose Selections-&gtRole. This gives you all the Roles in the job. Find the role that has the pool in question. (The role name should contain the pool name.)

Select the role and verify the pool assignment by looking at the Property Sheet.
What you'd like to do at this point is delete the role or unassign the pool. You don't have privilege to delete the role, and you can't assign a role to no pool, but you CAN assign the role to the EMPTY POOL. Do this by selecting the role icon and choosing Selection-&gtAssign Pool. Use the choices button and choose the EMPTY POOL, then hit Perform. Verify by again looking at the Property Sheet.

At this point, Delete Pool should work in the Batch Registry.


Error message of "Can't delete a pool because it is in use" from the InConcert batch registry.


Product: TIBCO InConcert Version: All OS: All --------------------