How to turn off Archive log mode in Oracle.Description: Symptom is when you do an install it just hangs.You might also get an error message of archive log file not found when doing an install and the db is partially instatiated.

How to turn off Archive log mode in Oracle.Description: Symptom is when you do an install it just hangs.You might also get an error message of archive log file not found when doing an install and the db is partially instatiated.


Article ID: KB0084877


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO InConcert -
Not Applicable -


This problem is fixed once ArchiveLogging is turned off.  See section titled  
"To Fix the . . .".                                                            

See section, "Command to tell if Archive                                      
is OFF in Oracle" for a method of retrieving current archive mode.            

The last section provides alternates ways to find Oracle error logs.          


His platform is a standalone Sun workstattion with                            
Solaris 2.4 / Oracle / SQL Net 1.                                      

His installation fails during database population.  The instantiation          
process just hangs SQL.                                                        

Steve & Gwen were able to rlogin to Mike's server and examine                  
the IC and database environment.  The problem is                              
related to automatic archiving not being turned                              
off properly.                                                                  

To Fix the Problem (Turn Off ArchiveLog):                                      
Login as Unix User icadmin                                                    

Shut Down Inconcert:                                                          

Shut Down Oracle                                                              
  sqldba lmode=y  //For NT run svrmg23.                                                            
  connect internal                                                            

Start Up Oracle Mounted and Turn Off Archive Log                              
  sqldba lmode=y                                                              
  connect internal                                                            
  startup mount                                                                
  alter database noarchivelog;                                                

Shut Down Oracle and Restart in Normal Mode                                    
  sqldba lmode=y                                                              
  connect internal                                                            

At this point you probably want to run the Drop command in                    
$IC_HOME/database/oracle to drop all tables and views as you do                
not know if all the row inserts and indexes were created correctly.            
Then follow with install/IcInstall.                                            

Command to Check if Archive is OFF in Oracle                                  

SQLDBA> archive log list;                                                      
Database log mode              NOARCHIVELOG                                    
Automatic archival             DISABLED                                        
Archive destination            ?/dbs/arch                                      
Oldest online log sequence     29                                              
Current log sequence           31                                              
SQLDBA> exit;                                                                  
SQL*DBA complete.                                                              

Note you must have both NOARCHIVELOG and DISABLE.  If you do not              
have both you do not have archiveing turned off.                              

Location of Oracle Trace files                                                
Oracle logs errors can be found in several spots.  The following              
command will find them:                                                        
mandela% pwd                                                                  
mandela% find oracle -name "*.trc" -print                                      
The most interesting one is usually a ora_xxxx.trc file.                                                            

An alternative way to determine the location of the trace files is:            

sqldba lmode=y                                                                
connect internal                                                              
show parameter dump_dest                                                      

The Output might look like the following:  (This installation is not using    
the Oracle BASE installation, which is recommended, so the destination        
directories are the same here, but are normally different)                    

SQLDBA> show parameter dump_dest                                              
NAME                                TYPE    VALUE                              
----------------------------------- ------- ------------------------------    
background_dump_dest                string  /home/beethoven/oracle/product/7.2>
core_dump_dest                      string  /home/beethoven/oracle/product/7.2>
user_dump_dest                      string  /home/beethoven/oracle/product/7.2>

A particular file of importance is the alert_&ltORACLE_SID>.log, i.e.,          
with an ORACLE_SID of "symprep", the file would be alert_symprep.log.          


How to turn off Archive log mode in Oracle.Description: Symptom is when you do an install it just hangs.You might also get an error message of archive log file not found when doing an install and the db is partially instatiated.


Product: TIBCO InConcert Version: 4.6 OS: UNIX Unspecified --------------------