Oracle error 1461 error can happen in three separate situations.Read the solution below for your case:

Oracle error 1461 error can happen in three separate situations.Read the solution below for your case:


Article ID: KB0092115


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO InConcert -
Not Applicable -


The error translates as: oerr ora 1461
01461, 00000, "can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column"

The most common situation currently is any client of the InConcert server fails to login getting a 1461 error.  If BPM is the client you may have to add to add to the BPMProperties.cfg file: BPM.editor.debug.level=3.  Once you have verified you are getting the 1461 error then in sqlplus do 'select * from NLS_DATABASE_PARAMETERS;'.  Stop the InConcert server and set the environmental variable NLS_LANG to the value of the character set.  Restarting the server should fix the problem.  

Note also the following bug from Oracle:
Bug:1400539 "Getting Ora-1461 when inserting into a varchar field"
Version 8.1.6
Status: stalled

Using PRO*C. Trying to insert a VARCHAR2 into a 2 column table. When the
database character set is set to UTF8 and the NLS_LANG is anything other
than UTF8 (i.e. american_america.WE8ISO8859P1, american_america.US7ACII)
an  ORA-1461 error: "can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG
column" is generated.

Use either UTF8 as the NLS_LANG setting or use a database character set
other than UTF8.

If this does not fix the problem then reinstantiate the database.  First stop the InConcert server.  Set the environmental setting NLS_LANG to UTF8 and then reinstantiate the database using install/IcInstall.  NOTE this will wipe out ALL of the data in the database.

If the server fails to start up and gives the 1461 error then try the above method

If the server fails to start try the above two steps.  First set NLS_LANG to match the character set the database is using.  If that fails then reinitialize the database after setting NLS_LANG.  

The last cause of this problem is using an InConcert server image IcServer which is linked to an earlier version of the Oracle libs then what you are using.  For instance using an InConcert server linked with Oracle 8.0.x libs and trying to run against an 8i Oracle server.


Oracle error 1461 error can happen in three separate situations.Read the solution below for your case:


Product: TIBCO InConcert Version: All OS: All --------------------