Error message from IcJava or IcWeb of "cannot find MIME types file, using default."
Article ID: KB0091677
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TIBCO InConcert
Not Applicable
Resolution: The IcJavaMIMETypes.txt file needs to be in transfer directory that is used to upload and download files. Placeing in the IcJava root directory (ICJAVA_HOME) usually takes care of the problem. As per page 7 of the 6.1 "TIBCO InConcert Java Quick Reference Guide" you can also set a Java property to define the location, "The java property mimetypes specifies the file to use for MIME type mapping (the provided file is IcMIMETypes.txt). IcJava will display an error message at startup if it cannot find the file. To set this Java property on UNIX: java -Dcom.inconcert.icjava.mimetypes=filename \ <icjava_jni_component> Where filename is the complete path name of the MIME types file and icjava_jni_component is the location where JNI connects to the InConcert client library either the IcJava server (in server mode) or the IcJava client (in server-less mode)."
Error message from IcJava or IcWeb of "cannot find MIME types file, using default."
Product: TIBCO InConcert
Version: 6.1
OS: All