[This KA was unapproved and obsolete when migrated.] Year 2000 statement (as of Aug. 9, 1999) (includes 153 & 268)

[This KA was unapproved and obsolete when migrated.] Year 2000 statement (as of Aug. 9, 1999) (includes 153 & 268)


Article ID: KB0091284


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO InConcert -
Not Applicable -


The following is a summary of InConcert's Y2K testing and
verification.  Please note that in order to use 4 digit years
under the NT InConcert Client, the user needs to set the Control
Panel Regional Settings Date format to use MM/dd/yyyy in the
short date style.

TIBCO Software Inc. and Year 2000 Compliance for TIBCO InConcert

At TIBCO Software Inc. we understand the seriousness that Year 2000
compliance has on the mission critical applications operated by
our enterprise customers. As a result, we have proactively
undertaken a comprehensive Year 2000 certification effort to
ensure that our products correctly handle date input and output,
date comparisons, date sorting, and any operations based on dates
or date computations.

To date, TIBCO Software Inc. has undertaken taken the following
concrete steps to assure Year 2000 compliance in our products.
Our products are Year 2000 compliant as of server version 3.6.2;
we recommend, however, using the latest available version (this
is currently InConcert 2000 version 4.0), as this version is
compatible with more recent operating system and database
management system versions, which are less likely to have
year-2000 problems of their own, and are more likely to support
other 3rd-party products' year-2000 compliant versions.

1. A detailed engineering walkthrough of our server product's
3-tier client/server architecture and internal functional design
was completed to detect any potential Year 2000 problems. The
results of this review indicate that InConcert's products will be
Year 2000 compliant as long as the operating systems and database
management systems they run on and interoperate with are Year
2000 compliant.

2. Complete testing of all user interface fields containing date
values in InConcert's PC and Unix-based Graphical User
Interfaces, the Batch Registry and Administration Utilities has
been completed. These tests included the entry of date values in
a variety of 2-digit and 4-digit formats.  Internal to InConcert,
dates are represented in a format that explicitly encodes century
information. Unambiguous algorithms are used to translate 2-digit
data entry representations to this internal representation. The
results of these tests demonstrated that all of the date values
entered into InConcert's user interfaces were correctly handled
during Year 2000 testing.

3. Complete testing of all Application Programming Interfaces
(API)  functions that manipulate date objects has been completed.
C and C++ procedures and methods were developed to test date
specific mathematical operations, comparison, sorting and
interval calculations before, during and after the Year 2000.
Tests were also performed to ensure proper execution of
calculations involving Leap years. All tests of the InConcert API
were completed without Year 2000 errors on both UNIX and NT.

4.  In addition, InConcert has tested its software licensing
technology for Year 2000 compliance. This software package,
called FLEXlm(r) is licensed from a vendor called GLOBEtrotter
Software. InConcert has tested this third-party package with
license expiration dates entered in 2-digit and 4-digit formats.
All Year 2000 tests have been completed without error.

5. The system clock of UNIX and NT-based systems hosting
InConcert was set in a variety of configurations shortly before
and after the Year 2000 to ensure that InConcert operates
correctly during and after the transition to the next century.

InConcert Inc. has taken every opportunity possible to ensure
that our products are Year 2000 compliant and will continue to
perform Y2K testing for all future product releases. The results
of our Year 2000 testing to date indicate that InConcert's User
Interface, Administration, Application Programming Interfaces and
Software Licensing components are fully Year 2000 compliant and
operate without error.


[This KA was unapproved and obsolete when migrated.] Year 2000 statement (as of Aug. 9, 1999) (includes 153 & 268)


Product: TIBCO InConcert Version: ALLOS: All --------------------