Registration of inconcertole.dll fails with "Load Library Failed...".

Registration of inconcertole.dll fails with "Load Library Failed...".


Article ID: KB0091736


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO InConcert -
Not Applicable -


To correct this, you need to have the latest version
of OLE automation DLL oleaut32.dll    (e.g. 2.40.4275 or higher)  Updated for 5.1.Both visual C++
and Visual Basic 6.0 update this DLL.

The correct version is also with either C++ 5.0 or VB 5.0.

When regsvr32 fails it usually shows what GetLastError returned.  There is a utility that comes with Visual Studio that will translate error codes called error lookup.  There is usually a shortcut to it in VC on the Tools menu.  If not the path to it is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Studio\Common\Tools\errlook.exe.  This may help determine what the problem
is.  If not it is a useful tool anyway.

The most common problem I've had in registering dlls/controls is a can't
find library error.  If a dependent dll is not on the machine, the wrong
version, or if it is not in the $PATH the file will fail to register.
Inconcertole.dll is dependent on inconcert.dll so if the InConcert directory is not correctly in the path then that may potentially be a problem.

Make sure that inconcert.dll is in the same location as inconcertole.dll or
its location is the system path environment variable.  The same goes for all other dependencies such as tibrv.dll (if you are using inconcert 5.x - its location should be in the path) and winrpc32.dll (which should be in your windows system directory).


Registration of inconcertole.dll fails with "Load Library Failed...".


Product: TIBCO InConcert Version: All OS: Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0 --------------------