How do I know if the agent is running on the machine?

How do I know if the agent is running on the machine?


Article ID: KB0091824


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Hawk -
Not Applicable -


You may use the TIB/Hawk display to discover the agent, or you may check to see if the JVM process (Java or JRE) for the agent is running on the machine. Immediately following "startagent", if you do not see any stderr messages, you could also review the &ltHAWK_ROOT>/log/Hawk.log file to verify if the agent is initializing and communicating with the HMA and other AMI applications, and loading the rulebases correctly. On NT, you can check the Processes table in Task Manager for tibhawkagentnt.exe or the status for TIB/Hawk service in the NT Services Manager.


How do I know if the agent is running on the machine?


Product: TIBCO Hawk Version: OS: --------------------