When I start tibcocomservice, why am I get the following error:Call to GetRecordInfoFromTypeInfo failed (0x80070057)

When I start tibcocomservice, why am I get the following error:Call to GetRecordInfoFromTypeInfo failed (0x80070057)


Article ID: KB0088588


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Adapter for COM -
Not Applicable -


Absence of the uuid is the cause of the
problem. Use the guidgen tool to define a new uuid for the UDT. Recompile.
Make sure after you recompile to reimport the metadata from the .dll into
the repository. Also, when defining UDT's, leave the off the "tag" prefix.


When I start tibcocomservice, why am I get the following error:Call to GetRecordInfoFromTypeInfo failed (0x80070057)