We performed our first volume testing and tried to publish 500 purchase orders using the file adapter to read a flat file.It took 5 hours to read 500 POs. Why is it taking so long?

We performed our first volume testing and tried to publish 500 purchase orders using the file adapter to read a flat file.It took 5 hours to read 500 POs. Why is it taking so long?


Article ID: KB0087987


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in for Files for Unix and Windows -
Not Applicable -


On the File Adapter Logging tab make sure that you have unchecked the option ‘Log Debug Messages’. This option writes a lot of information to the log file and significantly reduces the speed of the File Adapter.


We performed our first volume testing and tried to publish 500 purchase orders using the file adapter to read a flat file.It took 5 hours to read 500 POs. Why is it taking so long?