How do I enable Hawk monitoring of BC Engine and Repository server?

How do I enable Hawk monitoring of BC Engine and Repository server?


Article ID: KB0085395


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessConnect -
Not Applicable -


In order to enable Hawk monitoring:

1] Edit &ltbc>/bin/BCMiscProperties.cfg
2] Comment out the line specifying the property  "Config.Primary.HawkServiceAgent.Hawk.ListenAddr"
3] Uncomment the line specifying property "Engine.HawkMonitor" and set it's value to True

Other more advanced Hawk-related settings include -

in &ltbc>/im/Properties.cfg -

1] Bus.Hawk.Host = &ltset your host>
2] Bus.Hawk.Port = &ltset your hawk daemon port>
3] Bus.Hawk.Service = &ltset your hawk service port>
4] Bus.Hawk.Network = &ltset your network address>
5] Bus.Hawk.Debug = True

in &ltbc>/BCMiscProperties.cfg -

1] Config.Primary.HawkServiceAgent.WFServerAgent.Service.Name = &ltsome user friendly name>
2] Config.Primary.HawkServiceAgent.EngineAgent.Service.Name = &ltsome user friendly name>


How do I enable Hawk monitoring of BC Engine and Repository server?