What does IPC Error Code 508, "T_ERR_MSG_EOM" mean?

What does IPC Error Code 508, "T_ERR_MSG_EOM" mean?


Article ID: KB0084836


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This error message indicates an end of message condition. The operation did not occur because the message does not have any more fields left; that is, the current field is at the end of the message.

This error results from a call to either TipcMsgNext* or TipcMsgRead both of which read fields in a message.
NOTE: That if you are sequentially processing the fields of a message and you exit with any error other than T_ERR_MSG_EOM then it means that you may not have completely processed all of the fields in the message.


What does IPC Error Code 508, "T_ERR_MSG_EOM" mean?