How do I accomplish udp broadcasting on a multi-homedmachine?

How do I accomplish udp broadcasting on a multi-homedmachine?


Article ID: KB0084839


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Products Versions
TIBCO SmartSockets -
Not Applicable -


RTserver does not support creating a broadcast socket (client or server) on any interface other than the default which is what is returned by gethostname. Like the behavior for a tcp RTserver socket, a udp RTserver socket will listen on all interfaces once the socket is created since it uses INADDR_ANY.

However, unlike a tcp RTclient socket, you cannot broadcast on any address other than the default because the node name must match the gethostname. So, if you specify server_names as udp_broadcast it will only be sent over the default interface and you cannot "auto-discover" RTservers over a non-default network.

SmartSockets 6.2.2 fixed this problem.


How do I accomplish udp broadcasting on a multi-homedmachine?