Does the RVRD reporting panel (Information Alerts) display a "packet retransmission" or "missed packet" trace for any/every network retransmission, or are they displayed only after a certain amount (?) of retransmissions?

Does the RVRD reporting panel (Information Alerts) display a "packet retransmission" or "missed packet" trace for any/every network retransmission, or are they displayed only after a certain amount (?) of retransmissions?


Article ID: KB0089043


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Rendezvous -
Not Applicable -


The alert messages in the service detail page are controlled by timers (the snap timer with an interval of 10 seconds and the
TRDP error report timer with an interval of 1 second).  They are not displayed per message or per packet.  In RV 6.x an alert is retained in the display until it is 24 hours old.  Alerts are displayed for retransmissions as well as for dataloss.  This panel lets you see any time pattern in retransmissions without needing to view the application and/or daemon log files, but provide less detail
since they do not give the number of packets or the host(s) involved.


Does the RVRD reporting panel (Information Alerts) display a "packet retransmission" or "missed packet" trace for any/every network retransmission, or are they displayed only after a certain amount (?) of retransmissions?