What kind of training is available for Spotfire products?

What kind of training is available for Spotfire products?


Article ID: KB0085554


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I am interested in learning more about using Spotfire products - what kind of training programs do you offer?

Spotfire offers many different training courses such as:

Spotfire DecisionSite Training for Lead Discovery

Spotfire DecisionSite Training for Functional Genomics

Spotfire DecisionSite Training for the Energy Industry

Introduction to Building and Extending Guided Analytic Applications

Spotfire DecisionSite Developer Training

Spotfire DecisionSite Installation and Performance Tuning

Spotfire also offers many different training delivery methods including Web-Based Training, Customer-Site Training
, Regional Training.

For more information about Spotfire Training, please visit http://www.spotfire.com/services/training/ or contact training@spotfire.com.


What kind of training is available for Spotfire products?