I am having problems running the RTmon GDI on my UNIX machine

I am having problems running the RTmon GDI on my UNIX machine


Article ID: KB0085557


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Products Versions
TIBCO SmartSockets -
Not Applicable -


On occassion, under Unix platforms, the end user may have difficulty in bringing up RTmon GDI as described in the User's Guide.
The work around for this problem is the following:

1). Open two terminal sessions.

2). In session one type $rtmon -nofork

3). This will return the PID of the rtmon runtime process running in session one.

4). In session two type $rtmongdi -pid (pid number) using the pid returned from step 2 above.

If sucessfull, the RTmon GDI will open in the session 2 terminal window. If not then there should be an error message displayed in the session 2 terminal window explaining why the GDI was unable to start, you should report this error to support@tibco.com.


I am having problems running the RTmon GDI on my UNIX machine