On VMS, the JAR file in the CLASSPATH is not found.Why is this?
Article ID: KB0085931
Updated On:
TIBCO Rendezvous
Not Applicable
Resolution: The reason for the JAR file not being seen is that in transferring it, the file no longer has the right attributes. All Java files that are to be read by any of the Java tools or that serve as input class libraries (listed in CLASSPATH) must be in Stream_LF format. Stream_LF format is required for all data files read or written by Java programs.
To determine the record format of your file, do the following: $ DIR/FULL tibrvjweb.jar
And observe the line: Record format
To set the tibrvjweb.jar attributes: set file/attr=(RFM:STMLF,RAT:CR) SYS$SYSDEVICE:[tibco.tibrv.lib]tibrvjweb.jar
On VMS, the JAR file in the CLASSPATH is not found.Why is this?