Article ID: KB0086194
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Check the Engine Admin page on the Engine tab of the Administration Tool to make sure that you have Engines logged in. By default, an Engine will not run on a machine that is in use. One common situation is testing with an Engine that resides on your development machine. In such cases, you must manually start the Engine. On Windows machines, right-click the DataSynapse icon in the tray and select Start. On Unix machines, run the script if it has not been run already at boot.
If you are using a discriminator, make sure that at least one Engine will match the discriminator's properties. You can set the Scheduler Component Log to finest to check if the tasks are being discriminated against. In 4.2, this is done by going to Manager->Manager Configuration->Logging. In 5.0 and 5.1, this is done by going to Admin->Manager Configuration->Logging.
Submitted tasks are not being taken by Engines