BC 3.0.1: Correction to installation and configuration steps
Article ID: KB0086150
Updated On:
TIBCO BusinessConnect
Not Applicable
Description: 1. For Unix platforms other than AIX, you must download and install Unlimited Strength JCE policy files (although the standard JRE 1.4.1 package includes both "US_export_policy.jar" and "local_policy.jar" files, they are of limited strength and must be replaced).
The destination location for these files is incorrectly specified in the User's Guide as "/jre/1.4.x/lib/security". Instead, the correct directory is "$JRE_HOME/lib/security". We do not yet require this on AIX because we are continuing to use JRE 1.3.1 on AIX.
2. If you are using the Mapper component in your repository (co-located private process or custom protocol), one of the jar files required is not automatically included in the CLASSPATH defined for BC. This will result in an exception "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:com/tibco/xml/schema/export/ae/AESchemaFactory". To correct this, edit the /bin/runENV script and include the following file to the CLASSPATH variable setting: %BC_HOME%/im/java/TIBaexml.jar
BC 3.0.1: Correction to installation and configuration steps