TPB 4.5.x: The "Reuters Investor" category in the Starter Portal expires 30 days after installation.

TPB 4.5.x: The "Reuters Investor" category in the Starter Portal expires 30 days after installation.


Article ID: KB0085964


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO PortalBuilder -
Not Applicable -


We have been requested to post a notice by one of our portal partners.

The demonstration "Starter Portal" that shipped with PB included a free 30 day trial subscription to showcase some of the services offered by Reuters. This category is enabled for thirty days after your TIBCO PortalBuilder installation. After that period expires, the credentials to access the content will be invalid.

If you are not interested in this content, we request that you please delete the Reuters sample categories using the TIBCO PortalBuilder Administration tool. If you are interested in obtaining this content for your portal, please contact your TIBCO sales representative.

The Reuters categories can be found by accessing the portal_admin GUI, and drilling down to the following location under the "Categories" tab:
"&gtStarterPortal&gtPartner Content> Reuters Investor."


TPB 4.5.x: The "Reuters Investor" category in the Starter Portal expires 30 days after installation.