Scheduling Interval Seconds change causes exception (GridServer 3.2)

Scheduling Interval Seconds change causes exception (GridServer 3.2)


Article ID: KB0085324


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO DataSynapse GridServer -
Not Applicable -


If the Scheduling Interval Seconds value on the Manager Configuration page is changed, the Manager will halt with an exception the next time it is started. The exception begins as follows:

01/26/04 21:38:31.668 Severe: [DeferredElementImpl] in node property java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
01/26/04 21:38:31.669 Severe: [global] while trying to set property SchedulingIntervalSeconds on com.livecluster.core.scheduler.ScoringScheduler

To restart your Manager, open the file /webapps/livecluster/WEB-INF/config/broker.xml and delete the following line, where 1.1 is the value you entered:

&ltproperty name="SchedulingIntervalSeconds" value="1.1" />

Normally, the SchedulingIntervalSeconds value is optimal and should not be changed. If you feel that you do need to change it, please contact your DataSynapse representative for a workaround.


Scheduling Interval Seconds change causes exception (GridServer 3.2)