Updating the Unix Engine JRE (GridServer 4.0-4.2)

Updating the Unix Engine JRE (GridServer 4.0-4.2)


Article ID: KB0087560


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO DataSynapse GridServer -
Not Applicable -


By default, the 1.4.2 JRE is used for Unix Engines. You can change what version of the JRE is used. For Unix, there is not an update mechanism similar to the Windows, so you need to update the JRE on each Engine.

When downloading a new JRE from Sun, download the JRE package, instead of the JDK.

To change the JRE version:

   1. Shut down any running Engine Daemons:

engine.sh stop

   1. Change directories to the Engine home directory on the machine running the Engine, for example, DSEngine.
   2. Move the current JRE to a new directory:

mv jre jre1_4_2

   1. Unarchive the desired JRE into a new directory, such as jre1_4_3.
   2. Download the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) from Sun at http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/download.html (at the bottom, under "Other Downloads"). This download contains the two files localsecurity.jar and US_export_security.jar which should be copied into the jre/lib/security directory.
   3. Symlink the desired JRE to jre:ln -s jre1_4_3 jre


Updating the Unix Engine JRE (GridServer 4.0-4.2)