New certificate from UCCNet needs to be updated in BusinessConnect repository

New certificate from UCCNet needs to be updated in BusinessConnect repository


Article ID: KB0086519


Updated On:

Products Versions
Not Applicable -


This article applies to users of TIBCO BusinessConnect Protocol for UCCNet, running against the UCCNet TestRegistry. If you are running against UCCNet production, this article is not relevant.
The public certificate used by the UCCNet TestRegistry has expired and needs to be updated in the BusinessConnect repository.

The effect of this expiration will be observed as follows :

Scenario 1. New installation:  The BC UCCNet installer will fail with a "", while executing the "builduccnet" script.

Corrective actions:  
a. Save the attached p7b file in the "&ltBC_HOME>\examples\uccnet\tp\" directory, replacing the old "" with the exact filename.
b. Run &ltBC_HOME>\bin\builduccnet.bat or the corresponding Unix script

Scenario 2. Existing installation: AS2 will stop working with the UCCNet TestRegistry.

Corrective actions:  
a. Save the attached p7b file to any temporary directory
b. Using the BC Configuration GUI, edit the UCCNET_SYSTEM trading partner, click on "Partner Identity Pool", edit the "uccnet-cert-as2" certificate and upload the new certificate that was saved in Step 1.

The new certificate ONLY applies if you are running against the UCCNet TestRegistry.


New certificate from UCCNet needs to be updated in BusinessConnect repository


New certificate from UCCNet needs to be updated in BusinessConnect repository get_app