How to remove secondary Admin Server along with its applications and machine from Admin domain?
Article ID: KB0086715
Updated On:
TIBCO Administrator
Not Applicable
Resolution: Follow these steps and keep primary Admin server running during this process. 1. Undeploy applications from the secondary server machine if you want to remove applications or the machine from the Admin domain. 2. Stop secondary server, but keep it's hawkagent running -- especially if you want to remove this machine from the domain later on. 3. Run domainutility on the machine of secondary server, remove the secondary server: Domain Configuration > Delete an Admin Domain. This will remove the secondary server's configuration. 4. From primary Admin GUI, remove the machine of the secondary server. This will remove the hawkagent on that machine.
Note. 1. You can use domainutility to remove a secondary Admin server: Domain Configuration > Delete an Admin Domain. This won't remove the machine from the domain though. 2. In order to remove a machine from the domain, you have to undeploy all the applications deployed on this machine first, regardless of this being a machine hosting secondary admin server or not. 3. There is a discrepancy in domainutility that the machine is automatically registered to the domain when a secondary admin server is added (if not already) but not automatically removed from the domain when the secondary admin server is deleted.
How to remove secondary Admin Server along with its applications and machine from Admin domain?