Why am I not able to see Cobol Copy Book and Integration Manager Plug-in after the installation?
Article ID: KB0086668
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TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks
Not Applicable
Description: When BW-IM Plugin or BW-COBOL Plugin is installed it copies the palette files at C:\tibco\bw\plugins\lib\palettes and the Designer doesn't detect the palettes. All new plug-ins are moving towards a non-version specific installation dir which will help us in the upgrade process going forward. But the new plug-ins is used with BW5.1.3, You will also have to modify designer.tra and bwengine.tra to include the copybook.jar and im.jar in the CLASSPATH and PALATTEPATH. If the jar is present in just the PALATTEPATH, you'll encounter the issue where you can see the COBOL/IM palatte but you can't drag and drop the activities.
Why am I not able to see Cobol Copy Book and Integration Manager Plug-in after the installation?