How to set up BC-EDI for a trading partner who is sending Batch and Real time mode of transactions at the same time over http channel?

How to set up BC-EDI for a trading partner who is sending Batch and Real time mode of transactions at the same time over http channel?


Article ID: KB0086660


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessConnect EDI Protocol Powered by Instream -
Not Applicable -


Configuring BC EDI-X12 trading partner to use both Batch and Real time transaction over http

Receiver BC side:

In the BC Configuration GUI -> Protocol Editor, create two operations
    00401/004010X092A1/270  - normal notify for batch mode 270
    00401/004010X092A1/270R - sync request/response for real time mode 270  
    (Prefix R denotes the Real time operation)
Sender end.

The trading partner will need to suffix the GS02 field in the EDI Document with the character 'R' so that we can distinguish if the incoming transaction is meant to be real-time mode or batch mode.

However the restriction for GS02 field is limited to 15 characters.
Typically, the GS02 field represents a division, dept or division within a company and is not usually adhering to any code-list, it should stick with the max length based on the std.

e.g. we can have the GS02 field defined as follows

Application SeR       -> Indicates Real  time (Syn Req/Res)
Application Sen       -> Indicates Batch mode (Notify)

  Note *****

The special requirement to have GS02 suffix with 'R' is recommended by the HIPAA spec when a Trading Partner is going to send both real-time and batch mode 270 on the same HTTP channel.


How to set up BC-EDI for a trading partner who is sending Batch and Real time mode of transactions at the same time over http channel?