BusinessWorks Configuration needed for EJB activity to interact with IBM WebSphere 5.0.2

BusinessWorks Configuration needed for EJB activity to interact with IBM WebSphere 5.0.2


Article ID: KB0090198


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks -
Not Applicable -


TIBCO BusinessWorks must be configured to execute using the IBM JRE when you wish to interact with IBM WebSphere. This is due to the IBM requirement that remote EBJ clients must execute under the IBM JRE. You must modify the following settings in the designer.tra and bwengine.tra files to use the JVM provided by WebSphere:

   tibco.env.JVM_LIB_DIR /AppServer/java/jre/bin
   tibco.env.TIB_JAVA_HOME &ltWebsphere_Home>/AppServer/java/jre

Note     Problems can occur if there is a space in the directory path of &ltWebsphere_Home>, for example, C:\Program Files\WebSphere. If you encounter difficulties, place the WebSphere home directory in a location where there are no spaces in the directory path and modify the .tra files to point to the new location.

The TIBCO BusinessWorks EJB Plug-in User’s Guide states that all EJB server JAR files (supplied by the EJB server vendor) required for clients must be available in the classpath. For WebSphere, ensure that the following are in the tibco.env.CUSTOM_CP_EXT in designer.tra and bwengine.tra:


Note     If TIBCO BusinessWorks is installed on the same machine as the WebSphere application server, the EJB client may experience a sharing violation if the server and client are pointing to the same files. You may wish to copy the EJB client files to a separate location on the machine and use the files in the new location for TIBCO BusinessWorks.


BusinessWorks Configuration needed for EJB activity to interact with IBM WebSphere 5.0.2