Can I limit access to menu items in Workflow Desktop based on user roles?

Can I limit access to menu items in Workflow Desktop based on user roles?


Article ID: KB0089824


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessWorks Workflow -
Not Applicable -


Yes, you can achieve this by setting ACL in bui_config.xml file.
For example, if you want to limit Jobs menu to only users in role "Engineer", you can do this:
1. make a copy of file &ltbwwf home>/bui/config/bui_config.xml
2. open bui_config.xml file
3. find line: &ltcreatePageFolder name="${JOBS_PAGE_FOLDER_NAME}" ...
4. add the following lines after that.
                        &ltsetACL aclOperation="">
                            &ltaddRoleToACL roleName="Engineer"/>
                        &ltsetACL aclOperation="">
                            &ltaddRoleToACL roleName="Engineer"/>
                        &ltsetACL aclOperation="">
                            &ltaddRoleToACL roleName="Engineer"/>
5. save and close the file.
6. rebuild the deployment platform using domainutility
7. undeploy and redeploy the application.

Since changing this configuration file is risky, please make a copy before any changes.


Can I limit access to menu items in Workflow Desktop based on user roles?