When running my certified messaging application, I get the error "TibrvException[error=23,message=Subject collision detected]".What is the cause of this error?

When running my certified messaging application, I get the error "TibrvException[error=23,message=Subject collision detected]".What is the cause of this error?


Article ID: KB0090260


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Products Versions
TIBCO Rendezvous -
Not Applicable -


This exception is thrown when you create two CM listeners on one CM transport with overlapping subjects.

In other words, you have created a CM transport, and more than one TibrvCmListener listening on the same subject is using that same CM transport.  If you need to have several CM listeners listening on the same subject, then you need to create several CM transports.


When running my certified messaging application, I get the error "TibrvException[error=23,message=Subject collision detected]".What is the cause of this error?