Running JDriver through Java Web Start

Running JDriver through Java Web Start


Article ID: KB0090257


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Products Versions
TIBCO DataSynapse GridServer -
Not Applicable -


To run GridServer Drivers through Web Start, use the following procedure:

    * Package your client code into a JAR and deploy it along with the DSDriver.jar file from the GridServer SDK to your Web Start server.
    * Since the GridServer driver requires access to the local filesystem, you must specify "all-permissions" in the security section of your JNLP file. For example:


    * Specifying "all-permissions" as described in step 2 requires that all JARS in a JNLP file be signed, and with the same certificate.
          o This means that you will need to sign the client JAR with your own certificate.
          o Since DSDriver.jar is already signed with a different certificate, you will need to create two different JNLP files: one for the client JAR and one for the DSDriver.jar file. The main one (for the client jar) should reference the DSDriver JNLP file as an extension. For example:

               &ltextension name="DSDriver" href="dsdriver.jnlp"/>

    * The properties normally defined in should be specified as System Properties in the resources section of one of the JNLP files. Note that you will need to prepend "ds." to the property name as it appears in For example:

          &ltproperty name="ds.DSPrimaryDirector" value="http://myserver:8000"/>
          &ltproperty name="ds.DSSecondaryDirector" value="http://myserver:8000"/>
          &ltproperty name="ds.DSUsername" value="myUser"/>
          &ltproperty name="ds.DSPassword" value="myPassword"/>

    * You should then be able to run GridServer Drivers through Web Start by referencing the JNLP file for your client JAR.


Running JDriver through Java Web Start