Upon starting IM 4.5 or BPM 2.0.x you may get an error message of "java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError: java.lang.SecurityException:Cannot set up certs for trusted CAs."The engine will not start.

Upon starting IM 4.5 or BPM 2.0.x you may get an error message of "java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError: java.lang.SecurityException:Cannot set up certs for trusted CAs."The engine will not start.


Article ID: KB0089788


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO IntegrationManager -
Not Applicable -


The reason you are getting this error is because your JCE certification has expired invalidating your digital certificate used for encryption, key agreement and MAC activities.  Details about this can be found at the sun site:


The suggested way to solve this is to download from http://java.sun.com/products/jce/index-122.html the JCE 1.2.2.  This will work with either J2SE 1.2.x and 1.3.x.

Move the new jars to the IM/java directory, removed the old jars and start the engine.  This has worked for customers but has not been through Quality Assurance.




Upon starting IM 4.5 or BPM 2.0.x you may get an error message of "java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError: java.lang.SecurityException:Cannot set up certs for trusted CAs."The engine will not start.