TIBCO Adapter for Teradata Adapter 5.2.1 on HP_UX platform fails to connect to V2R5.1 Database at run-time using the CLI Version 4.07.01
Article ID: KB0090204
Updated On:
TIBCO Adapter for Teradata
Not Applicable
Description: TIBCO Adapter for Teradata Adapter 5.2.1 on HP_UX platform fails to connect to V2R5.1 Database at run-time using the CLI Version 4.07.01
Symptoms ========
Runtime Adapter would throw an error "Invalid version for shared library" on startup.
Impact ====== Loss of Functionality
Workaround ========== None
Cause ===== Defect with the CLI library that is provided by Teradata
Resolution ========== Download and Install the higher version of CLI (CLI 4.08) to access V2R5.1 from www.teradata.com. Adapter will be able to connect to V2R5.1 using CLI 4.08 as CLIs are backward compatible. Symptoms:
TIBCO Adapter for Teradata Adapter 5.2.1 on HP_UX platform fails to connect to V2R5.1 Database at run-time using the CLI Version 4.07.01