TIBCO Adapter for Remedy v5.1.0 supports TRA 5.3.0, TRA 5.3.1, TRA 5.3.2 , TIBCO BusinessWorks 5.3.x and TIBCO Administrator 5.3.0.

TIBCO Adapter for Remedy v5.1.0 supports TRA 5.3.0, TRA 5.3.1, TRA 5.3.2 , TIBCO BusinessWorks 5.3.x and TIBCO Administrator 5.3.0.


Article ID: KB0090846


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Adapter for Remedy -
Not Applicable -


TIBCO Adapter for Remedy now supports TRA 5.3.0, TRA 5.3.1, TRA 5.3.2, TIBCO BusinessWorks 5.3.x and TIBCO Administrator 5.3.0  in addition to the currently supported TRA, BusinessWorks and Administrator versions listed in the product documentation.  The only TRA, BusinessWorks and Administrator features supported by the adapter are those included in the documentation for TIBCO Adapter for Remedy.  

No adapter configuration changes are required to use TRA 5.3.0, TRA 5.3.1, TRA 5.3.2, TIBCO BusinessWorks 5.3.x or TIBCO Administrator 5.3.0 with TIBCO Adapter for Remedy v5.1.0.

Known Issues:

1) Adapter crashes when stopped from TIBCO Administrator 5.3.0

If adapter is used on Windows XP with Service Patch 2, Adapter crashes when stopped from TIBCO Administrator 5.3.0 and throws following error:
"adremedy.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close ................... "

Ungraceful shutdown of Adapter

Follow the below steps as a workaround

- Take a backup of existing adremedy.exe file in the location
&ltadapter home>/5.1/bin
- Copy the wrap.exe from &ltTIBCO HOME>/tra/5.3/bin to &ltadapter home>/5.1/bin
- Rename the wrap.exe to adremedy.exe
- start the adapter using new adremedy.exe

This issue may be fixed in upcoming adapter release


TIBCO Adapter for Remedy v5.1.0 supports TRA 5.3.0, TRA 5.3.1, TRA 5.3.2 , TIBCO BusinessWorks 5.3.x and TIBCO Administrator 5.3.0.