TIBCO Adapter for Teradata 5.2.1 supports TRA 5.3.0/5.3.1/5.3.2,TIBCO BusinessWorks 5.3.0/5.3.1 and TIBCO Administrator 5.3.0.
Article ID: KB0090765
Updated On:
TIBCO Adapter for Teradata
Not Applicable
Description: TIBCO Adapter for Teradata now supports TRA 5.3.0/5.3.1/5.3.2, TIBCO BusinessWorks 5.3.0/5.3.1 and TIBCO Administrator 5.3.0, in addition to the currently supported TRA, BusinessWorks and Administrator versions listed in the product documentation.
No adapter configuration changes are required to use TRA 5.3.0/5.3.1/5.3.2 or TIBCO BusinessWorks 5.3.0/5.3.1 or Administrator 5.3.0 with version 5.2.1 of the Teradata adapter.
Known Issues: ============ BusinessWorks throws a serialization error for Custom RPC Invocation when a value for MAXROWS is not entered in the input tab during configuration
Symptoms: ========= BusinessWorks throws a serialization error for Custom RPC Invocation when a value for MAXROWS is not entered in the input tab during configuration. In case of Custom RPC the BusinessWorks process should not expect a value as it is already specified in Teradata Server.
Cause: ====== Specific incompatibility with BW 5.3.0 and above working with the Adapter for Teradata 5.2.1 and above
Impact: ====== Older versions of Teradata adapter configurations may not work when upgraded to version 5.2.1 unless the "MAXROWS" value is specifically entered.
Workaround: =========== Please specify value for "MAXROWS' field as 0 which is the default value, under the input Tab of ‘Invoke an Adapter Request-Response Service’ activity.
Resolution ========= None. Change Requests (CR#1-7190YF for TIBCO Adapter for Teradata and CR#1-71GXNA for TIBCO BusinessWorks) have been logged to address this issue in a future release.
TIBCO Adapter for Teradata 5.2.1 supports TRA 5.3.0/5.3.1/5.3.2,TIBCO BusinessWorks 5.3.0/5.3.1 and TIBCO Administrator 5.3.0.