A "null" directory is created under bwc/5.2./tomcat when the tomcat servlet engine is registered as a windows service with TRA/Admin 5.3 domain.

A "null" directory is created under bwc/5.2./tomcat when the tomcat servlet engine is registered as a windows service with TRA/Admin 5.3 domain.


Article ID: KB0090159


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessWorks Collaborator -
Not Applicable -


This is a known issue with BusinessWorks Collaborator when used with Admin/TRA 5.3. The "null" directory is created because the tomcat server-&ltport>.xml has a null reference in the global logger.

Following is the workaround till the related defect gets fixed  -
-          not to select “run it as service” while registering with DU.
-          Modify tomcat/conf/server-<>.xml and substitute “null/&ltyour_tomact>/tomcat/logs” to “logs/&ltyour_tomcat>”
-          Optionally you can install the tomcat as a service now by running the bwc/5.2/bin/<>.cmd with --install option.


A "null" directory is created under bwc/5.2./tomcat when the tomcat servlet engine is registered as a windows service with TRA/Admin 5.3 domain.